Sedation dentistry - Leander, TX

Where Comprehensive
Dental Care Meets Total Comfort

patient prepping for dental sedation for treatment

Don’t Let Fear Stand Between You
and the Care Your Smile Needs

If seeing the dentist feels overwhelming, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with dental anxiety that keeps them from getting the care they need. Even if you normally feel comfortable at routine cleanings, you may hesitate about more involved procedures like dental implant surgery.

We designed every aspect of our practice at Green Dentistry of Leander with your comfort as our top priority. We’re proud to offer safe and effective sedation anesthesia near you in Leander, TX, so everyone in your family can enjoy comfortable, relaxed treatments at every visit.

doctor and patient going over dental treatment information

Who Can Benefit from Sedation Dentistry?

  • Children and people with disabilities who struggle to tolerate dental care
  • People who have fears or phobias that keep them from seeing a dentist
  • Individuals with a strong gag reflex
  • Those who need complex or prolonged procedures
  • Anyone wanting to combine multiple treatments into fewer appointments
  • People who have trouble getting or staying numb with local dental anesthesia

Our Select Sedation Dentistry Options

Dental anxiety is unique to each individual who experiences it. We offer multiple sedation dentistry treatments to ensure everyone can get what they need to stay relaxed and comfortable through every procedure.


Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas,” is the lightest and most common form of sedation dentistry. By inhaling nitrous oxide gas and oxygen through a nasal mask, you can enjoy deep relaxation, higher pain tolerance, less tooth sensitivity or gum tenderness, and more effective local dental anesthesia (numbing injections).

Nitrous oxide wears off within minutes of the end of your treatment, so it’s great for short visits like cleanings and won’t leave you groggy after your appointment. The treatment is so safe that we frequently recommend it for children who need dental fillings or other treatments.


Oral Conscious Sedation

If you have moderate to severe dental anxiety, need long or complex treatments, or want to combine multiple procedures into fewer appointments, oral conscious sedation is ideal. This approach to sedation dentistry involves taking oral medications (pills) that will induce a twilight state of consciousness.

Although you’ll still be awake and able to respond to questions or instructions, you’ll feel deeply relaxed and may nap through your procedure. Oral conscious sedation pairs well with nitrous oxide and similarly ensures a painless experience by helping local dental anesthesia work better.


IV Sedation

For patients with severe dental fear, those with certain disabilities, or anyone who needs a more complex surgical procedure, IV sedation is an excellent option that can help you feel deeply relaxed and pain-free. Similarly to oral conscious sedation, you won’t be completely “under,” as you would with general anesthesia, making this a safe approach.

However, this treatment can cause temporary amnesia, so you likely won’t remember much of your procedure. IV sedation dentistry allows us to adjust the dosage of medication you receive from moment to moment, ensuring a completely comfortable experience through every phase of your visit.

dental patient and doctor smiling within the dental center after patient's procedure

Transforming Your Dental Visit into
a Relaxing Experience

If you struggle with dental fear or anxiety, you may also suffer from failing dental health due to how difficult it is to see a dentist. Sedation dentistry can empower you to regain control of your oral health, making it easier to keep your appointments and complete the necessary treatments. Plus, you can always depend on us to provide effective pain control, like local dental anesthesia, anytime you need it.

With a few comfortable, positive experiences, you can rewrite how you think of dental care and might even start to look forward to your next visit! Whether you want to completely rebuild your smile or just need help feeling comfortable at routine visits, we’re here.